Our Mission & Vision
Our Mission
We provide quality, results-driven digital marketing services for our clients through creativity that captivates while remaining dedicated to our core values.
Our Vision
We foster an online community where everyone can reach their organizational goals using beautiful, effective digital marketing.
Our Values
Our Values are our guide for everything we do here at Country Fried Creative:

Why does the above matter, and why communicate them now? Great questions.
The mission…
….helps us clarify what we’re doing to our growing team and to our expanding client base. When someone asks us, “What do you do?” the answer is our mission statement. Unlike some organizations, we do not try to be all things to all people. We realize our strengths and weaknesses, so communicating what we do is important. It’s just as important as communicating what we don’t do. Within reason, we try to help all people. If Country Fried Creative doesn’t have the skills to help someone, we make efforts to refer that person to someone who can help. In fact, that leads us to our vision.
The vision…
…helps us define what kind of outcome we seek. Unlike the mission, which communicates what we do and our goal from a business perspective, the vision provides a broader picture of what we’re all about. It speaks more to why we do what we do. Like many professional services firms, I’d say that less than half of what we do is billable to a client. Many large consulting companies are all about billable hours. We recognize that we’re part of a community, and it’s important to participate in community building, whether that leads to revenue or not. For example, we stay extremely involved in our local community by attending Fayette Chamber events and helping to host fundraising events.
Fostering connections will happen through our digital marketing services, but that also happens when we do non-billable engagement by supporting a non-profit event, networking at a Chamber of Commerce function, or meeting new people in the community. Making the community better for all concerned, even if money isn’t involved, is in everyone’s best interest. Speaking of money (or the lack thereof), we also felt it was time to clarify our values.
Our values…
…are the principles that guide our business. Internally, they provide clarity about how to act and handle things. Some things we do are very well defined with task lists that we call “recipes.” Many other things we do are vague and not well defined. Clients sometimes struggle to articulate what they want. Our values provide guidance on how to treat people and tasks, whether or not we have a specific recipe or procedure to handle them. We’re a small firm, and I trust our team to make the right decisions, but we do need a basis and framework to guide decision-making.
Articulating our values also helps our community know what’s important to our team. When our values align with someone else, there’s an instant connection. I’d like to think our values are fairly universal and non-controversial. Yet, the realist in me knows that not everyone thinks alike. We’ve run into people who are obsessed with profits. That’s fine for them – but it’s not us and, frankly, isn’t part of our value system. We’re a business, but people matter more than numbers. We’ve also run into people who aren’t happy and don’t appear to want to be happy. I’ve often told our team that we want to work with clients who have the potential to be delighted. In short, we make every attempt to have a relaxed but professional vibe – business casual, if you will.
So why communicate this now?
Well, the world is full of more information than ever before. Some of that information is good and trustworthy, but much of it is noise and just plain wrong. In order to clarify our identity both internally and externally, we felt like it was time to take a stand by stating our intentions and how we operate. We want you to get to know us, and we hope to get to know you all better. We feel like having a written Mission, Vision, and Values is the right thing to do.
It’s been a great adventure for our first 20 years of existence. We invite you to join us on the journey for the next 20 years, and let’s see what kind of awesome things we can do for our community together.
Your #CountryFriedFriend,